2013년 1월 6일 일요일


Ode is a subjective poem that praises something.

                Eraser, you are
                the most important
                supply, although you are
               not as big as an elephant.                                                         
               Eraser you are,
              always sacrifice
              do much I could cry.
              And those are not lies.

              Eraser you are
              soft and white
              fun to squeeze
            and thankfully, light

            Eraser you are
            always hiding around
            when I drop you,
            and cannot be found.

댓글 2개:

  1. Good work on your ode, Clara. I like the humorous ending!

  2. Hi, Clara. I'm Chanjung, your writing TA and I think this ode is great. I was strongly impressed by the way you create rhymes in all the stanzas. You must have tried hard to create such intricate work. I really enjoyed reading it. I expect a better one next time!
